What We Do
Family Promise helps local communities coordinate their compassion to address the root causes of homelessness. We address the issue holistically.
Affiliates often provide (1) prevention services before families reach crisis, (2) shelter and case management when they become homeless, and (3) stabilization programs once they have secured housing to ensure they remain independent.
We tap existing local resources to empower families towards economic stability. Whoever come to us in crisis, we help them rebuild their lives with new skills and ongoing support.
At Family Promise Upper Shore, we will first provide:

Our emergency shelter program and warm hospitality is the foundation of the Family Promise model. We may incorporate several possible shelter models:
Rotational Shelter - Guests rotate every month or two through a network of congregational or community sites, each with private sleeping space for each family, and shared living and dining space.
Static site Shelter - Guests shelter in a single location together, without the need to rotate, each family with private sleeping space, and communal living and dining space.
Scattered site Shelter - Guests are housed as a family in one of several available spaces, without the need to rotate, but not all in one location.